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The aim of the CEIAG (Careers’ Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) team is to prepare students for the choices, changes and transitions affecting their future, education, training and life as adult members of society.
At Integrated College Dungannon, Careers education is embedded in the curriculum at all key stages.
Key Stage 3 Careers Provision
In Year 8, each student begins a digital Career Path Profile which is then added to as they progress through their years at the College.
During Years 8 & 9 we seek to help the students understand the importance of, and the difference between, skills and qualities. We encourage all students to explore their individual skills and qualities and those required within different career sectors which they are interested in.
We survey our students annually to ascertain individual desired and potential career pathways. This information is disseminated to all staff ensuring they can make the most of all available opportunities and address these with students during their lessons. This information is also utilised during Guided Pathways in Year 10, aiding our staff to advise on the appropriate subject selections by our students.
During Year 10, we also work with students to research the pathways available to their chosen careers and make use of relevant and up-to-date Labour Market Information to ensure subject choices are as well informed as possible.
Key Stage 4 Careers Provision
During years 11 and 12 our students are guided to understand further their skills and qualities along with developing a deeper comprehension of Hard, Soft and Transferable skills. Lessons during this key stage, our students add completed CVs, cover letters, interview preparation and personal feedback from work experience opportunities, speakers and industry visits to their digital Career Path Profile.
All students in years 11 and 12 are given the opportunity of work experience, which they have a shared responsibility for sourcing and organising. We aim for a full week of work experience in Year 11 and 3 days in Year 12, exam timetable allowing. Those students participating in this work-related learning scheme do so in order to:
Experience interpersonal relationships in the workplace;
Sample different work situations; and
Have the chance of securing steady jobs with particular employers (if vacancies arise) by proving that they are honest, trustworthy, hardworking and have other attributes that are sought after by employers.
Students are assisted with individual Careers research whilst being educated about the possibilities for their own career paths, including University courses, Technical Colleges, apprenticeships and job opportunities. We, at ICD, fervently believe that each career path is as individual as our students and therefore strive to ensure they are equipped to make well informed decisions at each stage.
Careers Adviser Interview
As part of the CEIAG learning offer, Integrated College Dungannon avails of the expertise of their Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) Careers Adviser. This service is available upon request by the student. They play an important role in:
Providing balanced, comprehensive and up-to-date information on education, training and employment options;
Contributing to the CEIAG programme by working in partnership with the college.
Providing impartial advice and guidance; and
Participating in the evaluation and development of our CEIAG programme within the college.
All Year 12 students are provided with an interview with the Careers Adviser.
Sixth Form Careers Provision
At Sixth Form, Careers is a discrete subject. Year 13 and 14 receive one period of Careers Education once a week.
Work Experience
A work experience scheme is completed by students in Year 13 currently. All students are contacted by a member of staff during their work-related learning experience and placements are arranged to suit the requirements of each individual student.
All Year 14 students participate in an Interview Skills Day. This event gives students the opportunity to prepare for and attend a mock interview conducted by personnel from our local business and educational community. Students are also provided with opportunities to attend careers fairs, university open days and to make visits to industries.
Throughout the college year, a number of guest speakers are invited into the college to inform students about the courses or career paths that their organisations offer. Examples include Liverpool John Moore University, Ulster University, South West College, College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE), Army Recruitment Team, etc.
Integrated College Dungannon works with organisations such as SENTINUS, and local businesses to help prepare our students for the world of work. We organise visits to industry and third level educational providers. In the interest of Widening Participation, the College engages students with opportunities such as the Queens Senior Academy, Nuffield Research Programme and the Pathway Opportunity Programme.
Those students applying to UCAS are guided through the process and provided with assistance, help and tips when writing their personal statements, completing the application process and preparing for their interviews.
Parental Involvement in Careers
Parents are encouraged to attend College events relating to Careers such as the Year 11 and Year 13 Induction Evenings, and the Year 10 and Year 12 Guided Pathways Evenings attended by the College’s Careers Adviser.
Community Involvement in Careers
We are continuously working to strengthen and extend the links we have with our local businesses and industries. The best experience our students can have is hands on, in their chosen careers. Throughout all key stages, we encourage speakers to come in and help our students understand what day-to-day life in different careers is like. We also strive to give students an insight with industry visits and on the ground work experience.
Any individuals or companies who feel they can help us in this regard are encouraged to get in touch with our Head of Careers – Mrs Wendy Botha.
Together we can help ensure our students, the young people of our community, are best prepared for the world of work.