Home > Curriculum > Key Stage 3
Students in Key Stage 3 follow the Northern Ireland Curriculum. This curriculum aims to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives. The key objectives are to develop the young person as: an individual; a contributor to society; and a contributor to the economy and environment.
To meet these objectives, we have designed a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum for all Key Stage 3 students. We meet the statutory minimum requirements regarding the delivery of the Areas of Learning and the contributory subject strands:
Learning for Life and Work;
Language and Literacy;
Mathematics and Numeracy;
Modern Languages;
The Arts;
Environment and Society;
Science and Technology;
Physical Education;
Religious Education
All relevant departments have planned opportunities for infusing the Key Elements, the Cross-Curricular Skills of Communication, Using Maths and Using ICT and Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities (TS&PCs) across their Area of Learning. The development of Active Learning, informed by Assessment for Learning strategies, will help students develop a range of attitudes and dispositions that will define them as positive individuals, willing to contribute to society and the economy.
At Integrated College Dungannon, our approach to delivering high quality Teaching and Learning is exemplified in, and driven by, our Teaching for Learning Cycle. By ensuring that individual students’ needs are understood and met through careful lesson planning and delivery, we are able to provide excellent learning opportunities which challenge and support all learners across their seven years at the college. Clear links to the world of life and work, beyond the college, are created through a comprehensive system of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.
To Key Stage 3 students, we offer the following subjects in line with the Northern Ireland Curriculum:
Year 8 – Year 10
Art and Design
Home Economics
Learning for Life and Work
Personal Development
Physical Education
Religious Education