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At Integrated College Dungannon, we value each child as a special individual, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Each child is treated with respect and consideration in order that they develop fully in all ways; academically, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually.
It is our objective, at the College, that each child identified as having special educational needs (SEN) will maximise their full potential and eventually leave the College equipped with the certification and life-skills they will need to be responsible, employable citizens or progress to further/higher education.
Parental Involvement is integral to the success of the SEN programme and parents are contacted at every opportunity.
The Learning Support Coordinator (LSC - formerly known as Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo)) is responsible for the day-to-day management of SEN within the College.
It is the role of the LSC to identify those children with learning needs from a variety of sources. These include Feeder Primary School reports, (our own proformas are sent out to them requesting information regarding statements, psychological advice, concerns etc), information from parents, statements or psychological assessments and by evaluating the needs of the students themselves.
Some students identified as having Additional Needs in numeracy, literacy or English as an Additional Language, are withdrawn from mainstream classes for periods of literacy/numeracy/EAL intervention. These students are identified and supported by our Literacy, Numeracy and EAL Co-ordinators.
The LSC liaises with many personnel within the EA (Education Authority), such as Advisers for Special Needs, Department of Special Education, Educational Psychologists, Autism Advisory Intervention (AAIS) Service, Behaviour Support Team, the Education Welfare Officer, the Home Tuition and Peripatetic Services and other professionals outside of EA including; Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists and Hearing Impairment Specialists to ensure that all of a students’ additional needs are met, as appropriate. Our LSC is keen to engage with any professionals who can help the College to better meet the needs of any of our students.
Members of the SEN Team monitor the needs of the students on an ongoing basis. The team provides the students with emotional support and works with them to build their confidence for example through praise, rewards and the development of professional, supportive relationships.
The college provides an atmosphere where students feel welcome, safe, happy and ready to learn. We promote self-awareness, an acceptance of self and others, and self-esteem. Through our Preventative Education Programme, we increase self-confidence in our students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to progress from ICD successfully, able to be effective contributors to a diverse local community.
Further information relating to learning support provision and procedures is contained within the College’s Special Educational Needs Policy. This is available from the College Office on request.